• How to Plan Your Herb Garden
    How to Plan Your Herb Garden

    This article is dedicated to planning a successful herb garden. If you have planted herb gardens in previous years this will help to revamp and refresh one already have. Go to your Garden Center and see what herbs are available and suitable for your area. This is important if you are planning an outside herb garden. If you are planning an inside herb garden, since you control the atmosphere, you can choose whatever you like. My suggestion here would be to select a theme for your herb garden. You can plant them for cooking herbs, cosmetic herbs, medicinal herbs, or fragrance herbs use. Be realistic about your plants. Check your whole property to find the right spot. Look for sun or shade,…

  • Important Tips for the New Herb Gardener
    Important Tips for the New Herb Gardener

    Watching your plants grow from tiny starts to full grown plants , the aroma flowing through your kitchen… being able to clip off fresh herbs for your recipes whenever you want. It is definitely worth the time and effort but if your plants don’t seem to be growing or living up to your expectations, it can be very disappointing. Luckily, there are things you can do to keep yourself from being disappointed by your herbs! 1. Always read up on the herbs you want to grow. Figure out how much sun they need, how big they get, and all of that. You want to try your best to grow them in their ideal conditions for best results. 2. When growing your plants indoors, they will start to gravitate…

  • How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden
    How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden

    For thousands and thousands of years we have turned to plants we call herbs for flavor, dye, perfume and cosmetics. We have believed that individual herbs held the power to repel insects, evil and vampires, while others attracted the perfect lover, good luck or bees to pollinate our crops. For some, the use of herbs can cure headaches and burns. And, of course, what would fine dining be without the culinary herbs? Here are some tips for herb gardening indoors that will simulate the conditions in an outside garden. For Herb gardening indoors the growing climates need to be pretty much the same as the conditions outside. Make sure you have a sunny windowsill that your herbs will love. Use a…